While outside temperatures drop and the demand for air conditioning repairs taper off with it, your employees are turning their sights toward heating system repairs and putting all AC system maintenance knowledge on the back burner.

But before we know it, summer will be back,  and those first calls for air conditioning system maintenance, troubleshooting, and installation will start flooding in.

Now is the perfect time to start training employees for summer 2020, so you can enter the season with a team of confident, well-trained HVAC technicians.

1. You’re nervous about the hiring process

Finding a skilled HVAC technician can be daunting and seemingly impossible, at times. It’s no secret that there has been a decrease in individuals pursuing careers within the trades. When hiring new employees is such a time-consuming task, it’s easy to want to put it off until spring.

Instead, start the hiring process now! Online vocational training allows you to focus on hiring employees that have the drive, eagerness, and personality you’re looking for, no matter how much training they have.

With online HVAC technical training, you can rest assured that they’ll get the experience you desire in your employees before the temperatures rise once again. Beginning the hiring process just as summer comes to a close will allow you to focus on hiring quality employees knowing there’s a proven training process in place.

2. Your veteran technicians have fresh experience

Because the season just ended, your technicians from summer 2019 still have fresh experience under their belts and in their brains. This allows your current HVAC technicians to act as a mentor for your new employees as they work through their online vocational training.

Additionally, your new employees will get an education on the newest AC systems that your previous HVAC technicians might not be privy to. Beginning the training process early not only gets your new technicians the training they need, but it fosters a mentorship among your employees.

3. You won’t have to sacrifice workload

There’s no need to worry about having to delay jobs or cut down on your employee’s workload while you’re training your new employees. Unlike other vocational training programs, NexTech Academy has a “learn while you earn” methodology that enables your employees to continue their education while you maintain an active workforce.

Beginning your training early allows your team to continue the work they do best while also gaining more industry knowledge, both on the job and online.

4. Online technical training is accessible

Your employees can participate in the training anytime, anywhere – all they need is internet access. There are no “semesters” with NexTech Academy’s online training programs, and there’s no set start and end time, leaving employees the freedom to learn at their own pace and take the time they need to understand.

Getting those new employees started sooner means they’ll have more time to master the material and provide more value to your customers come summer 2020.

5. Online vocational training programs are affordable

Not only is online training programs easily accessible, they’re also cost-effective. Unlike traditional HVAC technical training, that can cost anywhere from $500-$15,000 depending on the depth and breadth of the program, NexTech Academy’s online vocational training programs cost you only $99/month per student.

Instead of having to wait to make such a hefty spending decision, NexTech’s cost-effectiveness allows you to make the next move sooner without so much of a financial burden.  With online technical training that’s so easy on your budget, it’s a simpler decision to get new employees in sooner and get them trained.

Looking to get started? Take a free demo of NexTech Academy’s course, or contact us to learn more!

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